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Annual Plant Sale
May 7, 2022 @ 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
🌻PLANTS! We have THOUSANDS of plants this year. You’ll find perennials, herbs and vegetables and plenty of tomato starts. You’ll find sun lovers and shade lovers in separate groups. Most importantly, you can ask one of the many Master Gardeners on the floor to help you select the right plants for your garden environment.
🌻THE PRESIDENTS’ HALL We will be spread out over 19,000sq ft! Wider aisles for plenty of elbow room and a spacious checkout line. There will be controlled entry during the morning rush to limit congestion.
🌻FREE PARKING AND ADMISSION Plenty of parking in Fairgrounds lots. Bring your own small cart to help carry your treasures back to your car.
🌻GARDEN GLOVES We will have our usual array of colorful garden gloves for sale.
Your support of our Annual Plant Sale is greatly appreciated! Profits from this sale help make the following WSU Kitsap Master Gardener activities possible:
🌿 Care and maintenance of Learning/Demonstration Gardens
🌿 Diagnostic clinics at Farmer’s Markets and public events
🌿 Youth programs at Learning/Demonstration Gardens
🌿 Public seminars and tours
🌻Supporting our sale = supporting your community!
For more details see our website: www.kitsapgardens.org