Wye Lake (WDFW Water Access Area)

  • Created: 06/06/2020 8:29 AM
  • Updated: 06/06/2020 9:07 AM
Address: 13987 Wye Lake Blvd SW, Port Orchard, WA 98367, USA
Postal code: 98367
West from Key Center 2.8 mi on Hwy 302, right 3.9 mi on Wright-Bliss Rd, left 1 mi on Wye Lake Blvd to access area.  Restrooms and concrete boat launch.  Open year round.

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West from Key Center 2.8 mi on Hwy 302, right 3.9 mi on Wright-Bliss Rd, left 1 mi on Wye Lake Blvd to access area.  Restrooms and concrete boat launch.  Open year round.

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