We love to find places to connect! – That is our mission – Helping children and their families to make connections that will enrich their lives.
We hope you visit one (or many) of these places!
Name | Location | Day | Time | Grades | Group | ||||||
4-H | https://extension.wsu.edu/mason/4-h-youth-families/ | varies | varies | varies | K-12 | Fun/Educational | N | Y | Y | Y | |
Belfair Apostolic Church | https://belfairapostolicchurch.jimdofree.com/ | Belfair | Fridays (1st & 3rd) | 6-12 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | ||
Belfair Community Church | https://www.belfaircommunitychurch.org/ministries/ | Belfair | Wednesday | 5:30-7:30pm | 6-12 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
Belfair Community Church | https://www.belfaircommunitychurch.org/ministries/ | Belfair | Wednesday | 5:30-6:45pm | 2-6 | Choir | Y | Y | N | N | |
Boy Scouts - Pack 1513 | https://beascout.scouting.org/list/?zip=98528&program%5B0%5D=pack&program%5B1%5D=scoutsBSA&cubFilter=all&scoutsBSAFilter=all&miles=10 | Belfair | 6-12 | Fun/Educational | N | N | Y | Y | |||
Boy Scouts - Pack 9112 | https://beascout.scouting.org/list/?zip=98584&program%5B0%5D=pack&program%5B1%5D=scoutsBSA&cubFilter=all&scoutsBSAFilter=all&miles=10 | Shelton | 6-12 | Fun/Educational | N | N | Y | Y | |||
Boy Scouts (Cub) - Pack 4513 | https://beascout.scouting.org/list/?zip=98528&program%5B0%5D=pack&program%5B1%5D=scoutsBSA&cubFilter=all&scoutsBSAFilter=all&miles=10 | Belfair | K-5 | Fun/Educational | N | Y | N | N | |||
Boy Scouts (Cub) - Pack 9110 | https://beascout.scouting.org/list/?zip=98584&program%5B0%5D=pack&program%5B1%5D=scoutsBSA&cubFilter=all&scoutsBSAFilter=all&miles=10 | Shelton | K-12 | Fun/Educational | N | Y | N | Y | |||
Bridge Community Church | https://www.bccharstine.org/ | Shelton | Monday | 6-8:00pm | 6-12 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
Bridge Community Church | https://www.bccharstine.org/ | Shelton | Thursday | 6-8:00pm | 6-12 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
Gateway Christian Fellowship | https://www.gatewaycf.com/ | Shelton | Wednesday | 6:30-8:00pm | 6-12 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
Girls Scouts - Individually Registered Member | https://www.girlscoutsww.org/en/about-girl-scouts/IRMs.html | varies | K12 | Fun/Educational | N | Y | Y | Y | |||
Girls Scouts - Troop 40267 | https://mygs.girlscouts.org/map;troopNumber=;distanceInMiles=20;address=,,98584,;grades=;season=Current;type=TROOP | Shelton | Pre-2 | Fun/Educational | Y | Y | N | N | |||
Girls Scouts - Troop 45052 | https://mygs.girlscouts.org/map;troopNumber=;distanceInMiles=20;address=,,98584,;grades=;season=Current;type=TROOP | Shelton | K-6 | Fun/Educational | N | Y | N | N | |||
Girls Scouts - Troop 45118 | https://mygs.girlscouts.org/map;troopNumber=;distanceInMiles=20;address=,,98584,;grades=;season=Current;type=TROOP | Belfair | K-7 | Fun/Educational | N | Y | Y | N | |||
Girls Scouts - Troop 45480 | https://mygs.girlscouts.org/map;troopNumber=;distanceInMiles=20;address=,,98584,;grades=;season=Current;type=TROOP | McCleary | K-12 | Fun/Educational | N | Y | Y | Y | |||
Kaleidoscope Play & Learn | Shelton | Friday | 10:30am | 0-preK | moms | Y | N | N | N | ||
Mountain View Alliance Church | http://www.sheltoncma.org/services | Shelton | Monday | 6:00pm | 6-12 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
New Hope | https://nh-shelton.faithlifesites.com/youth-group | Shelton | Wednesday | 6-7:30pm | 7-12 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
New Hope | https://nh-shelton.faithlifesites.com/jesus-and-me | Shelton | Wednesday | 6-7:30pm | prek-6 | Youth Group | Y | Y | N | N | |
North Mason Bible Church | https://www.northmasonbible.org/get-involved/student-ministries/ | Belfair | Wednesday | 5-8pm | 6-12 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
North Mason Bible Church | https://www.northmasonbible.org/get-involved/cross-trainers/ | Belfair | Wednesday | 6:15-8:00pm | prek-5 | Awana | Y | Y | N | N | |
Prince of Peace Catholic Church | https://www.princeofpeacebelfair.org/ | Belfair | Friday | 6:00pm | 7-12 | SPANISH Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
360-275-8760 | Prince of Peace Catholic Church | https://www.princeofpeacebelfair.org/ | Belfair | Wednesday | 7-12 | SPANISH Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
Shelton Christian Church | https://sheltonchristian.com/ | Shelton | Wednesday | 6:30-8:00pm | prek-5 | Youth Group | Y | Y | N | N | |
360426-8461 x. 11 | Shelton First Baptist Church | http://www.sheltonfbc.org/resources/fbc-ministries/ | Shelton | Wednesday | 6:00-8:00 | 6-8 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | N |
Shelton First Baptist Church | http://www.sheltonfbc.org/resources/fbc-ministries/ | Shelton | Monday | 6:30-8:30 | 9-12 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
Shelton First Baptist Church | https://www.sheltonfbckids.org/awana | Shelton | Wednesday | 6:00-8:00 | K-5 | Awana | Y | Y | N | N | |
Shelton First Baptist Church | https://www.sheltonfbckids.org/lyrical | Shelton | 6-16yrs | Choir | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
SOZO Church | https://sozonw.org/ministries/ | Belfair | Wednesday | 6:30-9pm | 6-12 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
The Bridge Church | https://bridgechurch.life/ | Belfair | Wednesday | 6:30pm | 6-12 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
The Bridge Church | https://bridgechurch.life/youth | Belfair | Sunday | 12-2pm | 6-12 | Youth Group | N | N | Y | Y | |
The Bridge Church | https://bridgechurch.life/ | Belfair | Wednesday 1st & 3rd | Moms | Mops | Y | N | N | N | ||
The Bridge Church | https://bridgechurch.life/youth | Belfair | Wednesday (1st & 3rd) | 10am | Moms | Mops | Y | N | N | N | |
Youth Connection | https://www.sheltonyouthconnection.org/ | Shelton | varies | varies | 6-12+ | teen center | N | N | Y | Y | |
Youth Connection | https://www.sheltonyouthconnection.org/ | Belfair | varies | varies | 6-12+ | teen center | N | N | Y | Y |