Star of the Sea VBS Aug. 9-13

Join us for Vacation Bible School at Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Bremerton!
“Wilderness Adventure: A Journey Through the Sacraments” Monday-Friday, August 9-13, 2021, 9:00am-12:00pm
1 child/$30, 2 children+/$45


We are so excited to have your child(ren) participate in this year’s program!
Cat.Chat Vacation Bible School: Wilderness Adventure Through the Sacraments

Each family will recieve a copy of the Cat.Chat VBS CD and each child will recieve a T-shirt.

Program details:

  • Dates: Monday-Friday, August 9-13, 9:00am-12:00pm daily
  • Covid: Regardless of what “phase” our county is in, we will still hold in-person VBS. Masks are optional, but are not required and will not be enforced. Social distancing will not be monitored.
  • Drop off: On Mon-Thurs you are welcome to drop off your child at 7:45am (before Mass) or 8:45am (after Mass) in the gym. Each day’s activities will formally start at 9:00am. On Friday there is no Mass at 8:00am, and children should not be dropped off until 8:45am at the earliest. We ask that a parent or guardian sign your child in each day at the sign-in tables located in the gym. Thank you for arriving on time so we can begin our program on schedule.
  • Pick-up: 12:00 pm. When you pick your child up, please let the group leader know and sign them out at the sign-out tables. Remember to take home your child’s craft, any other take home items and any parent hand outs.
  • T-shirts: T-shirts will be distributed on the first day.
  • Dress: Please have your child(ren) wear the t-shirt each day. Children will need to wear tennis shoes (no flip flops or open toe sandals.) Kids should wear play clothes as they will be working on crafts that may involve paint or glue. No gum please.

If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions, please contact Marella:

God bless!

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